Thursday, December 16, 2010

Voice of the singer Tuan Ngoc

Tuan Ngoc (born 1948) whose real name is Lu Anh Tuan, a Vietnamese famous singer. He is considered one of the best male vocalist of the modern music of Vietnam.

Tuan Ngoc, born into a family of artists. Father of Tuan Ngoc Lien Lu artist, band members of humor ATV. The siblings are Tuan Ngoc is the singers name: Bich Chieu Anh, Khanh Ha, Thuy Anh, Lan Anh, Luu Bich.

Tuan Ngoc to sing very early. Since she was 4 years old, he sang in the children's programs on radio, along with the "genius" Quoc Thang, and Kim Chi. After which time he collaborates with programs for children of couples and artists Kieu Hanh Pham Dinh Sy. In 13 years he followed the older artists to sing in the U.S. club, while still in the period is sparse in Saigon.

The late 1960s, when pop music movement its zenith, Tuan Ngoc start-known songs with English. By the early 1970s, he participated in the two biggest bands of that time such as The Strawberry The Top Four and Five.

After 1975, Tuan Ngoc, left Vietnam and settled in southern California. Some time later he lived in Hawaii and the show for many clubs and hotels here. By the mid-1980s he returned to California and started successfully.

Tuan Ngoc famous through the song lyric. With voice and expression in particular, he won the appreciation of the experts and the public admiration of music lovers. Musicians Ngo Thuy Mien, Vu Thanh An, Tu Cong Phung ... observed that the lead singer Tuan Ngoc is suitable for their compositions. Trinh Cong Son Ngoc Tuan is also considered male vocalist singing the music of his most successful. [Citation needed]

Tuan Ngoc is widely seen as a male voice "monuments" of the new songs of Vietnam. "School Tuan Ngoc" influenced many artists both generations as well as overseas in countries like Nguyen Khang, Tran Thai Hoa, Quang Dung, Xuan Phu ...
Married Tuan Ngoc Thai Thao singer, daughter of musician Pham Duy.
Recently he has performed to Vietnam many times and recorded two albums in Vietnam: Let's Love Together Take 2 and you are not there this afternoon. The first official night of Tuan Ngoc took place in early April 2006 with about 500 guests, at the Sheraton Saigon Hotel. Then two fairly successful night at the Theatre of Peace, District 10, in August 2006.

Currently, in Vietnam, there are few artists to be recognized as "very close" with this style of Tuan Ngoc, which is Quang Dung, Nguyen Xuan Phu and Dinh [citation needed].
[Edit] Remarks

"... I'm like the hometown audience in debt. After so many years, I wanted to see firsthand the intended audience is still my favor ..."

"... Only three works by authors such as From Cong Phung, Trinh Cong Son and Pham Duy alone, I sing nostalgic never run out ..."

"Singing for me is the joy forever." (In an interview with Tuoi Tre newspaper published April 15, 2006)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Perceived Vietnamese Music

You can find out about music in Vietnam now, but for her, then at the height of this is a Vietnamese song Hey ... When the full set of the old style, new style ... Those who have more experience Her experience as My Linh, Anh Lam Truong, Dan Truong Hay, along with a new generation of Destiny, he says ,....
I feel Musical Vietnam is experiencing difficult step, this step is music to the new Vietnamese place in the world ... When a person is racing to set up your own album but they did not care Album his most carefully ... Along with these are the songs bite trick I had made them proceed to the audience more quickly, but after a while they will not be anything

Eg, Bao Thy, a celebrity too fast, but netizens are condemning me though plagiarism sure thy have explained, but their interpretation is explained, can not change the situation ... Why the U.S. singer not create your own unique style, why not sing in order that his soul must sing every word bites or that create an album and copy the style of others, When you see casy, I knew the songs sing what is true, what is the song words bite, bite Why sing words like that but ... Perhaps it would make a great song because it was looking a little more carefully ư, according to her they are not, because they want to be famous too fast ... so the Vietnamese music market will never stand or something on par with the world market. In their eyes, Vietnam is the place to steal other people's ideas, other people's passion became his ... So what will you do to bring it forward in Vietnam, will be able to many words as: Ask banned lip syncing, plagiarism is forbidden. According to his words that really true ... Let's study the experience or the style of the foreign countries such as Korea, China, UK
Did you know most people do not, This is Jay, you know why but I like Jay khong.Boi because most are sung in English his inner eels (never bite story words such as U.S.) but most of the songs he sings are showing the very human emotions and small aspects of life, as on ... ... And I just want to say finally that Make Fitness We Style Your Own>> Like 9X generation has shown a part of them ... Be the first U.S. loss ... Do not be taken by foreign music, or the music, the Word ... Sing Dop ....
You let others who know how Vietnam is ... Let's join hands to put forward U.S. music market ... It is expressed through you ... There are many things I want to say about Vietnamese music, but perhaps only just come here because they know you'll see what I want to say next and then ...
I write this only to express his feelings about the current U.S. music market, only to Vietnamese music market will be more warmly received, everyone will be appreciated ... PLEASE HAND TO GIVE GENERAL FORWARD U.S. YOUR LIGHTIf you read this ... please share it to everyone nhé! It will contribute to change this world.THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Articles written by GranKain

Don Cheadle: Time is right for Miles Davis Biopic

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Don Cheadle is hoping Hollywood jumps aboard the Miles Davis train.
The "Iron Man 2" actor helped shape the screenplay for a Davis biopic in which he would star as the legendary jazz trumpeter and musical innovator. Herbie Hancock has reportedly been tapped to score the film.
"We just turned in the script and we're going to find some money to make this thing," Cheadle told The Hollywood Reporter at a party to celebrate the 40th anniversary of "Bitches Brew," Davis' game-changing improvisational double album.
"Now is a good time, 10 years ago would have been a good time, and 10 years from now it will still be a good time to see a dynamic, entertaining movie that's wall-to-wall Miles Davis where the music will hopefully spark some desire to know more about the man."
Said screenwriter Steven Vegelman: "There would not be a screenplay without Don Cheadle. We've had our nose to the ground doing a lot of researching, talking, walking, watching and listening ... It's been an enlightening experience, to say the least."
Being so close to the project posed extra pressure for Cheadle, who's not just a friend to Davis' son Erin and the estate, but a diehard fan.
"We're trying to do what Miles Davis would have wanted us to do, which is approach it as artists with his life as the canvas," Cheadle said. "In being successful, some people say he sold out, but it's the opposite. You can stay in one place forever and try to make the same money from the same core fans, but saying to your audience, 'I'm going here now, come along or don't,' that's brave, risky and dangerous. That's what he did, and that's what we're trying to honor in this story -- that kind of spirit."
"Miles was at a juncture in his life where, if he didn't rediscover the art, he would die," added Vegelman. "And Don has this point of view about bringing in other hip-hop artists, to play with Miles Davis' music so the idea is for somebody to hear Jay-Z's version then turn to the original to learn more about Miles Davis."
That's a hypothetical Jay-Z, as the rapper has yet to be secured for the project, but Cheadle has plenty of artists in mind to play some sort of role in the biopic. "When Miles left this Earth (in 1991), he was already working with Prince, Snoop Dogg understands the music ... Miles always wanted to do what was happening now. If you said the word 'jazz' to him, he'd give you a smack -- social music, that's what it's called."
Promising a movie that's "on the edge and feels a little bit dangerous," the two are hoping studios both major and indie will appreciate the need to recognize the legendary musician with an atypical biopic. "I think audiences are really sophisticated now and can understand that this is the kind of story that flips the biography on its head."